Real Estate Experts
If you're a seller...
Earn your freedom because...
We do not want a Listing, we want to sell your building to the most qualified buyer for the highest price in the shortest amount of time possible. Only by controlling the process for you, can we guarantee the results you expect. Having the listing enables us to deliver the results you expect.
We do not just want a fee, we want to provide you the service you need and expect. Think of the fee as home seller insurance premium – ensuring you get the most qualified buyer to pay the highest price in the shortest amount of time possible.
We do not want just one deal with you. We want to have a rewarding relationship with you forever. Our business is based on client retention, longevity and customer service.

The days of loading some nice pictures up to the MLS, holding an open house and crossing our fingers are over. We use the latest and greatest technology at our disposal to ensure your listing reaches the widest possible audience with the most compelling, innovative and targeted campaigns possible. We can provide interactive websites, social media feeds, 3D photography, drone videos, virtual staging as well as traditional print and media and co-branded campaigns. And we'll still hold open houses - but they'll be red carpet events with valet service and top notch refreshments and entertainment.

We will send out your listing to hundreds of top producing agents in the community - Agents that we’ve transacted with and Agents that trust our brand and integrity.
We will Co-op with brokers on every available listing
and we will actively encourage outside brokers to view our inventory even before it hits the market.
Guided by our overriding desire to close, we are highly incentivized to split our fee’s with a buyers agent. Our interests are aligned with our client and we will always opt for a piece of something than 100% of nothing!
Leveraging our relationships with our lender, escrow and title partners, we will provide accurate closing statements, preliminary title reports and more. Using our extensive relationships with 3rd party vendors, we will also provide detailed breakdowns of potential selling costs.

As an associate member of Keller Williams Silicon Beach, we are part of a global network of approximately 700 offices and, as of November 2016, over 150,000 associates worldwide. Keller Williams Silicon Beach is an independently owned and operated franchise office in Marina Del Rey and has over 180 active agents on the roster. We serve the entire LA metropolitan area with a particular focus on the Westside.
We do not want to be your sales agent, we want to be your real estate resource.
We will offer you full transparency about our process so that you know, upfront, what we need from you to deliver the results you want.
You have choices and we have to earn your business. If we can agree on pricing and a marketing strategy for your real estate, we will ask one last question – Is there any reason why you wouldn’t work with us?

Getting into contract is only the beginning. Closing is our finest hour.
Once we are in contract, we will work hand in hand with you and guide you through escrow towards closing.
Whatever your experience levels are, we are here to help you navigate a path towards closing. Hands on or hands off, we’ll take your guidance. Once again, our overriding goal is to close. Working closely with our preferred partners, or working with your own preferred vendors, we will aim to demystify the process and ensure a smooth, effortless and calm escrow. We offer the following services as standard on any sale:
A dedicated Transaction Co-ordinator to handle all aspects of paperwork and contracts
Estimated Sellers Net Sheets
Title Reports
Preferred vendor relationships with Escrow, Title and Home Warranty
Preferred vendor relationships with all home inspection services including General, Termite, Roof, Chimney and Sewer Line